This smoked Polish sausage dish is great for company, but quick enough for a weeknight! It is super good and easy, and can be prepared well in advance. Complete your meal by adding a baked potato, fruit...
This is the real deal, direct from my Hungarian descendants. These yummy, delicate cookies are just the right amount of sweetness and are absolutely addicting! Simple ingredients, but do take some work,...
Layers of sauerkraut, corned beef, Swiss cheese, rye bread crumbs, and Russian-style salad dressing make up this casserole version of the deli sandwich .
This simple recipe came from the Polish side of my family. We simply called it 'cottage cheese and noodles' or 'lazy man pierogies.' It's a great comfort food and can be made with any kind of noodle. It...
This is a family recipe that's been made at Christmas time by at least 4 generations. This year will be the first for number 5!!! 'Bubba' brought it with her when she came from Lithuania. I pass it on...
Csirke Paprikas is the Hungarian term for this delicious dish. My mom has been making this for 35 years! Recently she went to visit Budapest and found this little cafe that served it. She liked it so well,...
Halupki, also known as stuffed cabbage on the Russian/Ukranian side of my family, is a dish made of rice, beef, and pork encased in cabbage drizzled with a thin, sweet tomato sauce. My grandma Eugenia...
Cabbage leaves are stuffed with ground beef, rice, then simmered in tomato soup. Works great in the oven or a slow cooker. Serve with pan juices and a drizzle of sour cream, or mix the pan juices with...
This cake was traditionally a birthday cake in my friend's home. Her mother is from Hungary and only has this recipe in her head! Now it will be preserved.... Note: hazelnuts may be toasted or untoasted....
These are as authentic Russian as you can get without traveling to Russia. I received the recipe from my Russian language teacher in high school and have been making them ever since. The kids like them...
My grandfather came from Hungary when he was three. My grandmother made this recipe for a taste of home for him. It is Americanized, but still delicious. He added sour cream to his, while we kids we ate...
No shortcuts here! This is the best beef stroganoff recipe there is! Recipe can be doubled, but don't freeze. Tenderloin can be expensive, so sometimes I opt for a cheaper cut of beef like sirloin, but...
There are 3 different ways to make this cake...the hard way, the harder way, and the way we're gonna do it--the hardest way. Because it's that worth it. The tiny amount of bitterness we get from the burnt...
Grew up eating golumpki. Yes I'm mostly Polish, but always wanted more sauce on them and didn't like the 'mushiness' of the burger inside. This is the version I came up with and hope you enjoy!
Being of Norwegian descent, I really don't know how this Russian beef stroganoff came into the family. My grandma has made this recipe for 50 years that I know of and it is truly my favorite. Serve over...
This is a great make-ahead dish from Marcia C. Adams of Fort Wayne, Indiana. It took the top $10,000 prize in the National Chicken Cooking Contest in Dallas, Texas. It sounds weird, but it is good.
It's hard to find a real Hungarian recipe for goulash. This is the real thing. Real goulash has no tomato paste or beans. Eat with a slice of rustic bread. Dip bread in sauce and clean the plate with the...
This recipe is our family favorite. The sauce is very rich and creamy and is great served over egg noodles. It does take a little longer to make, but it is well worth it!
Grandma's recipe. This recipe is easier to do in large batches since the prep is time-consuming. I double or triple the recipe and bake them in a electric roasting pan. I freeze any extras and when they...
While growing up, my Polish-Russian grandmother, who lived with our family, made these little meat patties quite often and they were a family favorite. Here is my rendition, from what I remember when cooking...
This is a delicious Stroganoff that my Nana made all the time. My husband's favorite meal is Stroganoff, and before we met he never had homemade Stroganoff sauce. Once my mom made this for him, he has...
My mother often served a delicious Polish dish made with cabbage. We always topped ours with a dollop of sour cream and sometimes served this over mashed potatoes. You can make this just using the cabbage,...
This cabbage pie is very popular in Russian cuisine. Traditionally, it is made with a yeasted puff pastry but normal puff pastry will work just fine. You can bake it as one big pie, or make small triangles...
Sharlotka is a traditional Russian apple cake. I like to make it in a deep pie dish and serve it with a brown sugar glaze in a fashion similar to a pineapple upside-down cake. However, the recipe may also...
Pashka is a cheese cake-like dessert or breakfast food that is usually eaten with thick-crusted breads, but I like it plain, too. Though no cooking is needed, it does chill over night. My Bestemor has...
My Slovakian grandmother always made huge pots of this during the winter time. I'm a vegetarian now, and can safely say that this is the one dish that I really miss eating.
Chicken pieces stewed in a sauce mixture including the traditional Hungarian ingredient - paprika - along with other spices and sour cream. This is our family recipe for Chicken Paprikash. Very good on...